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Email:  collinscb@scsk12.org


Teacher:  Camille Collins, Germantown High School

Grade Level:  12

Textbooks:  Economics (Boyes & Melvin)

Syllabus:  Click here.

Course Title:  ECONOMICS

Teacher:  Camille Collins, Germantown High School

Grade Level:  12

Textbooks:  Economics (Prentice Hall, New York, New York)

Syllabus:  Click here

Course Description:  An introduction to the methodology and analytical tools used by economists. Economic theory, policy and history are examined with major emphasis placed on macroeconomics and microeconomics.  Topics such as consumer behavior, investment expenditures, government taxes and expenditures, with a view toward providing a consistent model of income determination will be examined. Among the topics examined with this model are fiscal versus monetary policy, balance of payment deficits, growth of an economy through time, inflation, and unemployment.

Grading Procedures (AP Economics)  All grades are equally weighted.

Grading Procedures (Regular Econ: Grades will be based upon the following weighted grading system:

Daily Work  30%

Quizzes  30%

Tests  40%

Grading Scale:  According to Shelby County Policy, letter grades will be awarded according to the following scale

A   93 – 100

B    85 – 92

C   78 – 84

D   69 – 77

F    68 and below

Late work: Late work will not be accepted.

Absences:  Any student who is absent (excused), has one day for each day they are absent to make-up the work.  It is the student’s responsibility to ask Dr. Collins what assignments need to be made up.

Rules for Classroom Behavior

Students must know and follow all rules in the student handbook in addition to classroom rules mandated by the teacher.

1.Be in your assigned seat and prepared to work when the final bell rings.

2.Follow directions the first time given.

3.No arguing in class. Concerns and/ or appeals must be discussed with teacher privately before/ after class or submitted to teacher in writing after class.

4.Raise your hand and wait to be recognized before speaking.

5.Abstain from grooming in our classroom.

6.Respect the rights and property of others.

7.Be courteous to your teacher and your classmates.

8.At the end of the period, remain in your seat until you are dismissed.

9.Heads must remain off the desks at all times.

10.Do not write on the classroom desks. This behavior will result in an immediate detention.

Policy for Severe Behavior

Severely disruptive behavior such as repeated disruptions, fighting, cursing, physical assault, or verbal abuse of the teacher or another student will result in immediate referral to the assistant principal or school security officer.

Consequences for Disruptive Behavior

1st Offense: A verbal warning will be given when a minor classroom or school rule is broken, unless the discipline code calls for a referral.

2nd Offense: A 2nd verbal warning will be given and may be accompanied by a telephone call to the parent/ guardian. If a conference is necessary, it will be scheduled through Guidance.

3rd Offense: If the problem persists after a verbal warning, a discipline referral to Dr. Stencel’s office will be given, which will be accompanied by a telephone call to the parent/ guardian.

Specific Behavior Violations

The instructor is particularly strict with enforcing the consequence for insubordination towards the teacher. Please do not argue with the teacher during class. If you feel you were wrongly identified as misbehaving, submit your explanation in writing and/or prepare to discuss the matter calmly with the teacher outside the classroom, after class or after school. This policy is for the good of the class; please respect that.

**Shelby County Schools offers educational and employment opportunities without regard to race, color, national origin, religion, sex, creed, age, or disability.

Shelby County Schools is not responsible for questionable or controversial content found through links external to this site.


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